Project Galgamari: The iFest build!

Today was a good day for Project Galgamari!

Lucas and I presented our little prototype as the Galactic Magpie Conglomerate (jokingly shortened to GaMaCo by one).
There was never a dull moment as people kept coming by our table, playing our game and wanting to know more. We even got to implement a few feature requests and bugfixes on the spot.

To both of our amazement many people really seemed to like Project Galgamari, some of them really getting into it.
We’ll definitely be continuing the work on this one! With all the feedback we got, we have enough material for quite a while. :)

Many thanks to the organizers for the great event, all the people coming by our booth, giving our game a try and giving excellent feedback!
And of course a thousand thanks to my fellow Galactic Magpie, without whom this would not have been half as successful and fun.

You can download the iFest build right now. [sources]
(just unpack and execute, Windows only right now, sorry!)

These are the current controls:

Xbox360 pad (recommended):
Steer: Left Stick
Shoot: A Button
Hard Turn / Barrel Roll: Left / Right Bumper
Boost: Right Trigger
Slow down: Left Trigger
Inverted: Back Button
Restart: Start Button

Steer: Arrow Keys / Mouse
Shoot: Space / Left Ctrl / Left Mouse Button
Hard Turn / Barrel Roll: A and D Keys
Boost: W Key
Slow down: S Key
Inverted: I Key
Restart: R Key

Have fun playing the prototype!
We’ll let you know whenever we have new updates to share!
